sábado, 24 de mayo de 2014

Carnix-Mephisophilus Split CD "In Every Sky Rises a Demon"

Carnix-Mephisophilus Split CD (France-Saudi Arabia)
"In Every Sky Rises a Demon"
(Black Metal)

Tribulacion Productions 2008
2 copias disponibles solo para venta (2 copies available only for sale)

Valor: $ 20.000 (+ gastos de envío)
Price: US $ 10 (+ mail service)

Canciones (Songs):
1. Permafrost
2. Fading Away
3. Fantôme
4. Marine (Beyond the Shores)

5. Forest of Time
6. Victorious Nights
7. Arise thy Evil Soul
8. Call from the Crying Planet

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